The Advanced Renewable Diesel Fuel for Road Vehicles, Heating Systems & Other Applications
Works just like Fossil Diesel Fuel & Kerosene, But Lowers Greenhouse Gas Emissions!
Benefits of HVO Fuel
What are Renewable Fuels?
Welcome to HVO Fuel UK
We’re committed to being a 100% independent source of information about HVO fuel and other sustainable fuel solutions for home and business. We do not work with or for any fuel suppliers, so you can be confident that we’re not here to make wild claims about HVO fuel. Our aim is simply to provide you with all of the facts to ensure that you can make a well informed decision about what HVO fuel is right for you or your business!
Learn more about HVO fuel the latest generation of low carbon green diesel fuel
Switching to 100% HVO fuel also known as hydrotreated vegetable oil from regular fossil diesel fuel is quick, easy and often requires no changes to existing engines or equipment. It can be stored in the same bulk oil storage tank as old stocks of diesel and used in exactly the same way.
With businesses, local authorities and other organisations up and down the country looking to show off their green credentials by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Many trials of HVO fuel have begun to take place, in order to test the suitability of this greener, advanced renewable diesel fuel for their business, local authority or organisation.
Why should you consider switching to HVO fuel today?
Up to a 90% Reduction in Net CO2 Emissions
Reduced Soot in Engines and Exhaust Systems
Aromatic and Sulphur Free Paraffinic Diesel
Drop in Replacement for Standard Mineral Diesel Fuel

Warranties Protected With Manufacturer Approvals
Switching to HVO Benefits Your Business and the Environment
HVO Fuel a Direct Greener Replacement for Fossil Diesel
Reduce Carbon Emissions with Zero Capital Expenditure
Is HVO fuel the right low carbon emission option for your home or business?
We all understand how important it is for us all to make changes in our lives to help the environment and reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions. For some people and businesses, this has meant buying electric vehicles to replace older vehicles with petrol and diesel engines. For homes and businesses looking for alternative ways to heat their properties, heat pumps are one of the latest options for doing this.
Although both electric vehicles and heat pumps are fine options and go a long way towards helping the environment, they do come at great expense. For vehicles, this will generally mean the existing diesel or petrol engine vehicles are sold (or scrapped in some cases) in order to replace them with electric versions of the vehicles. This could prove to be very costly, since electric versions of regular diesel and petrol models are typically far more expensive.
It’s a similar story with heat pumps, they are currently vastly more expensive than regular heating oil and natural gas heated boilers and are not a straight replacement for existing models. Unlike replacing an existing vehicle or fleet of vehicles, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to sell on your old heating system. So for many people the best time to replace an existing heating system will be when their old boiler needs replacing.
For this reason, HVO fuel, the advanced renewable diesel fuel alternative offers many benefits to those who either do not have the finances to replace their existing infrastructure or simply don’t feel that the technology of the alternatives such as electric vehicles and heat pumps have matured enough yet to make an investment into them. For one, it means that there will be little to no modifications or changes required to make the switch.

Will switching from mineral diesel to renewable diesel fuel really help to lower your CO2 emissions?
Whether you’re a business or a household looking to cut your own CO2 emissions, we can all help play a part in the government’s commitments to a net zero future. In the UK alone, 30 of the biggest companies have already signed up to the United Nation’s Race to Zero campaign.
We all need to make small changes to the way we live our lives and the way we work, to ensure a more sustainable future for future generations by committing to protecting our environment today, to help meet your organisation’s carbon reduction targets.
With ambitious targets set by the government put into law, to ensure that all greenhouse gas emissions are brought down to net zero carbon by 2050. It’s everybody’s responsibility to do what they can to help ensure the targets are met.
Although the government considers electric vehicles the future of road transport and heat pumps the replacement for natural gas and heating oil heated boilers. Both of these offer significant reductions in CO2 emissions compared to existing options. They’re not without their flaws and will require a significant sum of money to replace your existing infrastructure, be that replacing one or petrol or diesel engine vehicles or replacing your existing heating system(s).
For those planning to replace their existing vehicle(s) or heating system(s), the switch to electric may not actually feel like a huge expense over its lifetime. But not everybody is ready to make the switch for whatever reason and that opens the door for alternatives which allow people and business to continue using their existing infrastructure.
In this case, the renewable diesel fuel of choice is HVO fuel which is considered to be a fossil free, drop in alternative to mineral diesel fuel. Many heavy duty road vehicles such as HGVs and passenger car manufacturers have already approved HVO fuel for use in many of their vehicle models. It has been suggested that where manufacturers are yet to approve its use, that is simply because it has not been tested and verified yet.

Are advanced biofuels such as biodiesel and HVO fuel the same or are they different?
It’s not surprising that so many people are confused by all of these different terms, with the terms, Biofuel, Biodiesel and HVO Fuel used and interchanged by so many people. Put simply, biodiesel and HVO fuel are are both biofuels, however, although biodiesel and HVO fuel are both fossil free diesel fuels, they are not the same thing.
All biofuels are expected to help lower carbon emissions compared to conventional fuels and geared towards helping the government to meet their net zero carbon target.
There are rules around the production of these advanced renewable fuels in the form of the British Standard EN15940. This is a paraffinic diesel fuel specification that governs the new generation of cleaner transport fuel being produced for both use in road vehicles and for heating systems.
Paraffinic diesel fuels are synthetically produced renewable diesel fuels, such as the advanced renewable paraffinic diesel. Current fuels such as Shell’s GTL (Gas-to-Liquid) fuel and HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) fuel which both meet these specifications.
Quick explainer to biofuel, biodiesel and HVO fuel
Biofuels – These are known as renewable fuels and are most often produced using crops, crop residues, and animal wastes and are considered to be alternative fuels to the current mineral diesel and petrol fuels which are made from fossil fuels and most commonly used in modern vehicles and other applications.
Biodiesel – This is known as a first generation biofuel and has been added to the regular diesel fuel available at petrol stations in the UK. This is usually marked up as B7 Diesel and simply means that the fuel contains anything up to 7% biodiesel with at least 97% coming from fossil diesel. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester or FAME for short, is the generic chemical term used for biodiesel. The methyl esters in biodiesel are considered to be hygroscopic, which simply means that they absorb considerably more moisture than petroleum derived diesel fuel, which could lead to problems with diesel bug.
HVO Fuel – This is known as a second generation biofuel and is considered to be a superior renewable fuel when compared to biodiesel. Like biodiesel, they both have their environmental benefits over regular diesel, but HVO is considered to be a far superior fuel, since it does not contain FAME and does not suffer the same issues. As so, this means that it offers an increased shelf life of up to 10 years, unlike biodiesel and mineral diesel fuels that contain FAME which can be stored for 12-24 months at best.